The Tec4MaaSEs Project Deliverables

The Tec4MaaSEs project evisages significant progress beyond the state of art for Manufacturing as a Service. In the following deliverables all publicly accessible will be made available progressively. 

In this Deliverable, all the necessary procedures (e.g., problem solving, escalation and decision making, delivery process) to favour a proactive and effective collaboration, will be described, ensuring the smooth execution of the project and the achievement of the desired impact.

Interim and final project reports including Risk management report. This Deliverable will also ensure that all project results are of high quality in terms of fulfilling end-user requirements, with no defects found in the system, and a smooth deployment of requirements from the conception phase (framework definition, end-user scenarios, use cases, functional and non-functional requirements and architecture) following the Quality Function Deployment Approach

This Deliverable describes the data and other research outputs generated by the project and the procedures for data management. Also, it identifies the types of data, the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of data/research outputs and defines the procedures for preservation storage and curation. 

This Deliverable will provide an initial high-level analysis of the anticipated pilot scenarios in the industrial sectors that will be used to demonstrate the capabilities of the Tec4MaaSEs services and technical functionalities. Additionally, it will adopt a set of business models utilized by the blueprint architecture of Smart Factory Web for the flexible adaptation of production capabilities, sharing resources and assets, enabling the design and set-up of resilient industrial value networks.

The first and final version of the governance framework both the generic model and pilotspecific instances.

This Deliverable combines analyses the needs rising from the industrial cases, to produce user/system requirements that will drive the development of the solution. Moreover, it describes the architectural components, their interactions, and interfaces (instantiated in each case). Also, the supporting data models will be presented here.

This Deliverable will provide the models of the assets/services/operations at factory level along with their inter-relations which will form the basis for the resources/subservice composition and the Value chain DT model will also be presented.

Analytics models and services with APIs and configuration/ integration guidelines.

Optimization models and services with APIs and configuration/ integration guidelines.

First and final MaaS Governance Services combining the results of Tasks 3.5 (Data Governance) and Task 3.6 (Governance services for AI Models). This will be accompanied by APIs and configuration/integration guidelines.

Balanced Scorecard tool with documentation describing the logic and the underlying model and how it was deployed in each of the three pilot cases.

Initial and final version of the integrated platform including pilot specific dashboards (this incorporates the results of tasks 4.1-4.4).

Pilot scenarios and KPIs to be evaluated in the pilot demonstration phase.

Reports on the activities performed for the validation of tech4MaaSEs solution in the three industrial cases.

Analyzes and assesses the pilot operation to derive insights concerning the adequacy of the solution and formalize guidelines based on lessons learned.

Executive dissemination and communication plan including Visual Identity, dissemination material and digital presence. 

Guidelines, strategies and plans for activities to identify the business models, exploitation, ecosystem building and sustainability plans.